Dentistry On Bleams 
Informed consent for complicated extractions
Informed Consent for Complicated Extractions
- After the extraction it is normal to have PAIN, SWELLING, and TRISMUS (problems opening and closing your mouth). These healing-related problems last for an average of 3-5 days, you may get over these sequelae sooner or take more time depending on your health and the complexity of the extraction. Sometimes discomfort occurs after the extraction from having to keep your mouth open.
- Depending on the location of the extraction you may experience paresthesia or numbness in the lip or tongue after the anesthetic has gone. A prolonged numbness can, in very rare cases, be permanent, however, in the majority of cases the feeling in the lip, chin and tongue returns several weeks after extraction.
- An infection 3-4 days after the extraction is possible, which may require antibiotic treatment.
- A DRY SOCKET can result from certain extractions. This is usually an area of poor healing which can get quite sore. If you are a smoker, you dramatically increase your chances of this condition. You need to return to us to get this condition treated.
- When extracting weak or broken teeth they usually break. Root tips are difficult to extract, especially if you have long roots or roots that are close to your sinus. It may be necessary to have the root tips removed by an Oral Surgeon later. The Oral Surgeon has a separate fee for his/her services.
- Minor damage to adjacent teeth and small cuts on the lips sometimes occur. Jaw fractures are possible but extremely rare.
- You will be given post-operative instructions, please follow them carefully and take your medications as indicated. Feel free to contact us at any time.
My questions have been answered. I understand the above, and my consent is voluntary.